Sunday, December 16, 2012

MGOC Contributor: Ginger Clark



EXCERPT from "How to Get an Agent" by Ginger Clark in Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular Fiction

Write a really good book.

I know that sounds like a knee-jerk suggestion, but it is true. Now, really, a good book can mean both a well-written, lyrical literary novel or a commercial idea done well. You do not need to write the second coming of The Great Gatsby—it can be a fun, juicy tale of a werewolf and a vampire and their forbidden love. But it does need to be well done, with a well-paced plot, fleshed out characters, and believable dialogue.


Ginger Clark has been a literary agent with Curtis Brown LTD since Fall 2005. She represents science fiction, fantasy, paranormal romance, paranormal chicklit, literary horror, and young adult and middle grade fiction. In addition to representing her own clients, she also represents British rights for the agency’s children’s list. Previously, she worked at Writers House for six years as an assistant literary agent and was as an editorial assistant at Tor Books. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College, a member of the Contracts Committee of the AAR, and lives in Brooklyn with her husband and pet chinchillas.

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